Two Week Meal Planner
Follow along with me every other week as I make a new meal plan. I hope it can give you some inspiration to help you if you're in a meal funk.
Periodically I'll also post recipes and videos of me cooking. You can
also follow my TikTok for more videos on meal planning and cooking.
Two Week Meal Planner

Meal Plan 7/31-8/13
I took a week off and went to see some family while my boyfriend went on a work trip. I have more time to cook and make videos since I'm...
Meal Plan 7/31-8/13
I took a week off and went to see some family while my boyfriend went on a work trip. I have more time to cook and make videos since I'm...

Meal Plan 7/10-7/23
My boyfriend has requested no chicken for a little while, that's a little hard for me because I don't always want ground meat. We both give and take so these...
Meal Plan 7/10-7/23
My boyfriend has requested no chicken for a little while, that's a little hard for me because I don't always want ground meat. We both give and take so these...

Ground Meat Philly Cheese Steak
I was finally able to have the time to make a cooking video of one of my super easy recipes. This is a great meal that you can make ahead...
Ground Meat Philly Cheese Steak
I was finally able to have the time to make a cooking video of one of my super easy recipes. This is a great meal that you can make ahead...

Meal Plan 6/26-7/9
These next two weeks are pretty simple as I start to get back to a littler bit of a normal work schedule. I still have so much deer that my...
Meal Plan 6/26-7/9
These next two weeks are pretty simple as I start to get back to a littler bit of a normal work schedule. I still have so much deer that my...

Meal Plan 6/12 - 6/25
This week has been rough enough that even coffee isn't doing it. I'm hoping that next week is better especially since I have two new recipes that I want to...
Meal Plan 6/12 - 6/25
This week has been rough enough that even coffee isn't doing it. I'm hoping that next week is better especially since I have two new recipes that I want to...