Meal Plan 6/12 - 6/25

This week has been rough enough that even coffee isn't doing it. I'm hoping that next week is better especially since I have two new recipes that I want to try. Many years ago I tried making chicken'n dumplings but it just didn't turn out how I wanted. I'm going to try it again to see if I can find a good recipe. I am going to do some meal prep on the weekends to making things easier for me during the week. I already have the meat cooked up and in the freezer for spaghetti, I plan to slow cook the chicken for the chicken'n dumplings or if my boyfriend plans to grill I might have him grill them for added flavor. Next weekend I'll probably cut up the sausage, onions, and peppers that I'll need for the week and make the jalapeno popper mix and stuff the chicken thighs for Monday's meal. Each Friday I get out whatever I need from the freezer and put any meat in a container that doesn't leak and let it defrost in the fridge. I'll be out of town the at the end of this meal plan so I already have the following meal plan ready and will be getting most of the grocery items I'll need when I do my pick up this weekend.

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