So my handwriting is trash...

So there’s a couple reasons why I usually have my meal planner typed out. The main reason why is because my handwriting is just trash. I’ve gotten to a point where I laugh about it because I’ve tried working on it for so many years. When I was in high school a couple of my teachers knew what work was mine just my handwriting. One of my teachers thought I was cheating because I always typed my work even when it wasn't required until he saw my handwriting. There are times even know that I have to decipher my writing. 

Another reason why I like typing my meal plan is that no matter where I am I have it with me. It's always on my phone and laptop. I usually get my groceries by getting Walmart and Sam’s Club pick-up orders so with it on my phone I can put my grocery order together whenever I have the time. As a mom to a baby that has finally figured out how to walk around it's just the easiest thing to do at this stage. I used to babywear her and it was a great workout, but y'all I live in the south, and it's summer. Just walking from the car to the store would be enough for me to start sweating with her on my back. Another reason why I like pick-up orders is how quick it usually is. I work at night right now and take care of my daughter during the day. Me having a sleep schedule is kind of a running joke among my friends. I get a couple of hours of sleep when I get home from work, a couple more when my daughter takes her afternoon nap, by then her dad gets home and we normally eat dinner together as a family, and then I sleep for maybe another hour before I have to go to work. It's rough, there's sometimes I want to just sleep through the night for a week straight so I can catch up on sleep, but until my business starts to boom I'll do what I have to. 

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